What Oat Milk Does Starbucks Use? [Know The Brands & Nutritional Value]

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Are you a vegan who is looking for a dairy-free alternative? Or maybe you are someone who is lactose intolerant?

Well, no matter the case, the good news is Starbucks has got you covered!

They have plenty of plant-based options like almond milk and oat milk. Being lactose intolerant, I am ever so grateful that they have so many options! But personally, I feel like their creamy oat milk, with its nutty finish, comes the closest to having actual milk!

If you have some experience with plant-based milk, one sip will tell you that the oat milk they use is of superior taste and quality! It got me thinking, “What oat milk does Starbucks use?”.

Turns out, Starbucks uses a special kind of Oatly Barista Edition Oat milk. It is a Swedish oat milk brand with a thick and foamy texture that blends in perfectly with coffee offering an extra layer of smoothness and delight with every sip that makes it the most suitable milk alternative!

Want to know more in detail? Continue reading to find out!

What Is In Oat Milk at Starbucks?

starbuck mug in a table

With the growing demand for milk alternatives, Starbucks wanted to ensure their customers get the best that there is. They added a few plant-based milks to their menu, like coconut milk, almond milk, and oat milk.

Their oat milk soon became a fan favorite. From your favorite cup of hot latte to a refreshing iced coffee, you can replace regular milk with Swedish oat milk for any tea or coffee to get that creamy, wholesome taste.

So, what’s in it? Well, the oat milk at Starbucks is usually made up of a unique combination of whole-grain oats and water, a sprinkle of vitamins (like calcium and vitamin D), a pinch of salt, and sunflower oil to create the ultimate silky texture.

What Oat Milk Brand Does Starbucks Use?

There are tons of oat milk brands that are available on the market. However, Starbucks specifically used Oatly Barista Edition oat milk in their coffee and other beverages since 2021. At first, it was only used in the USA, but now it is available in all of its locations. 

So, what makes this Oat milk brand special?

To begin with, Oatly is one of the most renowned brands in the world. It is a Swedish company to creates oat milk and has been in the race to offer the best quality oat milk for around 30 years. Plus, they have their own steel-cut oats to make oat-based products. 

And with each passing year, they are just getting better and better. As the name goes by, they are particularly made for coffee baristas to create a desired cup of coffee. Last but not least, they are a healthier alternative for those who are on a mission to lessen their processed sugar intake.

Starbucks Oat Milk Ingredients and Nutrition Value:

Oat milk is undoubtedly one of the healthiest options. From being loaded with fibers to containing fewer calories in comparison to cow’s milk – they are certainly one of a kind!

Besides, in 100 ml of Oatly Barista Edition Oat milk, there are precisely 59 calories. In terms of whole milk, it is around 65 calories.

The key nutrients in Oatly Barista Edition Oat milk include:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin D2
  • Vitamin A
  • Riboflavin
  • Dicalcium Phosphate
  • Sea Salt
  • Tricalcium Phosphate
  • Calcium Carbonate 
  • Dipotassium Phosphate
  • Water
  • Oats
  • Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed Oil

Plus, oat milk is totally cholesterol-free and consists of several nutrients. They are also full of fiber and, most importantly, a plant-based protein.

Moreover, the products are GMO-free, and they mainly originated from Canada and the USA, with the exception of dipotassium phosphate, which is from France. Lastly, oat milk is good for digestive health, making it a superior dairy substitute for lactose-intolerant individuals. 

For your better understanding, here is a list of the nutritional value of 1 cup or 240 ml of Starbucks oat milk:

Phosphorus20270 mg
Vitamin B12501.2 mcg
Riboflavin450.6 mg
Vitamin A20160 mcg
Potassium8390 mg
Iron20.3 mg
Calcium25350 mg
Vitamin D203.6 mcg
Protein3 gm
Sugars147 gm
Dietary Fiber72 gm
Carbohydrate616 gm
Sodium4100 mg
Fat65 gm
Cholesterol00 gm
Saturated30.5 gm

What’s the Difference Between Barista Oat Milk and Normal Oat Milk?

You will be surprised to know that Barista oat milk and normal oat milk are two different types, with each offering its own unique taste and texture. Let’s take a look at the key differences between barista oat milk and normal oat milk.

Creaminess and Frothiness

Barista Oat milk has a super smooth, velvety texture. Regular oat milk is surprisingly a bit less creamy in comparison to barista oat milk. 

So, if you want a rich and smoother milk alternative, then barista oat milk is the one to go for. However, they are also extremely delicious in taste, without any doubt!


Barista oat milk offers a sweeter, more balanced oat flavor, complementing the bitterness of the espresso. With regular oat milk, you won’t get that well-balanced oat flavor.


Barista oat milk comes with a better texture than regular oat milk. Due to this, you can easily create a professionally curated design using the barista oat milk. No wonder why they are a preferable choice for coffee baristas.


Barista oat milk has about 130 calories, which is a little bit more than normal oat milk. The regular variety of oat milk has about 120 calories per serving size, and while 10 calories aren’t much, it might make a difference if you are counting calories.

Heat Tolerance 

Barista oat milk is specially made to handle higher temperatures without getting separated or curdled. In other words, they just dance perfectly with the espresso to give you the desired cup of coffee. 

On the contrary, regular oat milk can curdle under heated conditions, causing total disaster if there is even the slightest increase in the temperature.


The Barista edition is a much cheaper option in comparison to regular oat milk. You will be surprised to know that they are almost half the price.

So, the moral of the story is if you are looking for a non-dairy alternative to cow’s milk, then the Barista oat milk is preferable. However, both of them offer great taste and flavor and are certainly worth trying! 

Does Starbucks Sweeten Oat Milk?

The oat milk that Starbucks uses is unsweetened. So that you can get the natural oaty flavor. 

Oatly has also strongly stated that they don’t include sweeteners in their original, low-fat, full-fat, or Barista Edition oat milk. That is, you will not get any added sugar or artificial sweeteners in your drink when you order them with oat milk.

Therefore, if you prefer a more neutral and versatile option to complement your favorite espresso lattes, they are a good option to go for.

You can either go sugar-free or customize your drink to your heart’s content by asking the barista to add some syrup or sweetener, as per your choice. It’s totally up to you!

Is Starbucks Oat Milk Gluten Free?

Yes, indeed!

You will be pleased to know that all the Oatly products are certified Gluten-free. That is, this oat milk is made using liquid oats and is completely free from any kinds of common allergens, such as lactose, nuts, and soy. Starbucks is one step ahead and takes all kinds of necessary measures to ensure there is not even a slight chance of gluten in your oat milk.

Therefore, if you are sensitive to gluten or have celiac disease, you can rest assured and have your favorite drink without any more worries!

Does Every Starbucks Location Have Oat Milk?

Every Starbucks location is supposed to have oat milk available since it is a nationwide thing. Though it might not be readily available in most places due to supply restrictions, one certain thing is these shortages are temporary and will be solved within a matter of time. 

And for restocking, happen in a time-to-time manner, following the rules and regulations. For any kind of query, you can always ask your barista for the availability or when it should come (in case unavailable). 


Does Starbucks Use Real Oatmilk?

Since the year 2021, Starbucks has been using Oatly Barista Edition Oat Milk in their coffee beverages. They are a reputable Swedish brand that helps to create a perfect cream and foam for barista-style drinks. Their texture is a bit light and comes with a nutty flavor that mixes well with any kind of coffee or tea. Such a delight!

What Is So Special About Starbucks Oat Milk?

Oatly’s Barista Edition Oat Milk is certainly one of the best quality milk for coffee connoisseurs. From boasting a thick texture that will not disintegrate to not losing its frothy goodness and blending in perfectly with hot coffee at high speeds – they are a world-class product. 
And with each sip, you will find such a creamy and satisfying experience, that you will instantly fall in love with them.

Is Starbucks Oat Milk Healthy?

You bet. They are the healthier pick when it comes to looking for an alternative to traditional dairy milk. From being totally vegan friendly to fewer calories and containing no lactose or cholesterol – they are super healthy. Besides, they are a great source to meet your nutritional demands while still having your favorite creamy coffee-based beverages.

What Are Some Popular Starbucks Drinks That Use Oat Milk?

Oatmilk Honey Latte, Almond Oat Milk Cold Brew, and the Hazelnut Mocha Macchiato are some of the most popular Starbucks drinks that use oat milk. Plus, Iced Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken, Oatmilk Iced Vanilla Latte, Oatmilk Mocha Cookie, Chai Tea Latte, and Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso have also made their way on that popular list.

Can I Purchase Starbucks’ Oat Milk in Stores?

Of course, you can. 
In fact, most people like to purchase them from Target and Walmart. You can also find them at other places such as Amazon and Kroger as well.

Can You Order Oat Milk For Any Starbucks Drink?

Totally! From coffees to teas and even cold drinks – you can now order any kind of Starbucks drink with oat milk. However, based on the store, you might have to pay more for ordering the oat milk. 
Therefore, make sure to cross-check with your barista before confirming the order unless you want to avoid paying the additional charges.

Final Words

The name Starbucks has been synonymous with good coffee for many years. It has its own cult following of coffee lovers, who consider the brand completely irreplaceable.

The best part is that their oat milk beverages taste almost as good as their dairy ones!  Therefore, even if you are a lactose intolerant person or maybe someone who prefers plant-based milk, Starbucks really knows how to keep everyone happy.

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Hello, I’m Callie, a professional coffee barista who loves coffee so much that I’ve decided to write about it in my free time. I love everything about coffee – the aroma, the flavor, and the endless varieties it comes in! But my favorite thing about coffee is how much there is to learn and know about it. Even with my years of experience, I keep finding out new details and nuances almost every day. On this website, my goal is to share everything I know about coffee and to learn more from passionate readers! I’m always on the hunt for the perfect bean, so feel free to tell me about your preferred varieties, and of course, I’ll be sharing my faves with you!


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