What is Dutch Bros White Coffee? [Know The Taste, Flavor & Favorite Drinks]

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Do you love having the Dutch Bros White Coffee, or wonder whether or not you should try it?

Well, it is out of this world., and once you have it, there is literally no turning back.

That’s how awesome they are! 

So, what is a Dutch Bros white coffee, and what makes them so special?

For starters, they have a lower acidity level and more caffeine than the traditional Dutch Bros blend.  Due to its super low roasting temperatures, you will get to experience a light, earthy, and nutty flavor with each sip. 

Want to know more details? Read on to find out!

Understanding Dutch Bros White Coffee

ground coffee with cup

When the coffee beans are harvested, they usually develop a beautiful green color, which turns brown as they are fully roasted. Now, the question may arise: Where do they get the golden white colors?

The golden white colors are the beans that are considered under-roasted in comparison to the other roasted beans. When roasting the beans, they turn a golden white color halfway through the roasting process, then they turn brown.

What is Dutch Bros White Coffee?

White coffee is an espresso that is made from beans that are roasted at a much lower temperature and have a lower roasting time. No wonder they have such an earthy flavor and instant caffeine kick.

Here is a little breakdown of the famous Dutch Bros White Coffee for your better understanding:

How Does It Taste?

In terms of taste, the under-roasting method of the white coffee offers a perfect blend of low acidity and subtle flavor. Ultimately, making them a pretty good option for people who don’t enjoy the taste of strong coffee. They are very popular for having this light and nutty flavor, which is kind of sweet and creamy with a slightly bitter aftertaste.

If you prefer a  mild and smooth coffee, then this white coffee is the right choice for you!

Caffeine Content

Although there is no exact estimation on the caffeine content of the Dutch Bros White Coffee, in general, they are expected to have at least twice the caffeine content in comparison to a standard cup.

In fact, a Dutch Bros Iced White Coffee has about 70 percent more caffeine content than a regular cup of coffee. 

The ultimate reason behind this high caffeine content is because of how the beans are roasted. The longer they are roasted, the more caffeine gets burned away. 

The less roasted the beans are, the more caffeine content they are expected to have. This pretty much explains why white coffee beans contain high caffeine levels.

Dairy Content

There is a wide selection of dairy items to pick from to meet your taste and needs. 

From whole milk to skim, almond, oat, soy, and coconut milk – the list just goes on!
And just like any kind of coffee, the dairy can be customized while placing the order. Simply tell the barista which type of milk you would prefer.

Sizes Available

Currently, there are about three different cup sizes available at the Dutch Bros. They are small, medium, and large. 

The small size contains about 12-16 ounces of liquid, the medium about 16-24 ounces, while the large can hold about 20-32 ounces. This size varies, depending on how you want your white coffee (hot/iced) to be served.

Nutritional Fact

As stated above, the Dutch Bros have not officially said anything about the nutritional information of their exclusive coffee beans.

Besides, based on your order and additions, the number of calories will vary depending on which type of coffee you get. For instance, an Americano without sugar/milk can have about 10 to 20 calories, while the White Mocha Cold Brew can have around 180 to 190 calories.

How White Coffee is Different From Regular Coffee?

White coffee is basically the coffee that is roasted half of the way and at a much lower temperature. You can get the ultimate whitish-colored bean that has a higher caffeine content. The less you roast, the more caffeine the beans contain. 

The white coffee beans are usually roasted at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for half the time instead of 450 to 480 degrees Fahrenheit.

This, in return, offers a very nutty and sweet flavor that is different compared to having a regular cup of coffee. 

So, if you are looking for a coffee that will boost up your energy levels to a whole new level, then white coffee is the best one to go for.

Where Does Dutch Bros Get Their White Coffee From?

Dutch Bros have not specifically disclosed anything about their exact source. However, according to various kinds of information, it is said that they source all of their coffee beans from Brazil, Colombia, and El Salvador.

They are not organically certified. They claim that the production of organic products will take a massive amount of toll on the farmers. 

That’s why, to support the coffee trade organizations, the Dutch Bros have come forward to help the farmers figure out innovative solutions to overcome the challenging agricultural issues.

How To Order White Coffee At Dutch Bros?

To order the white coffee at  Dutch Bros., simply tell the barista that you would like to have the white coffee instead of the regular one. It is best to let them know if you want to customize your coffee as soon as you order.

For example, if you want to order a healthy white coffee, then directly ask the barista to make it using plant-based milk instead of going with dairy milk. 

Plus, be super specific about the toppings as well, so you can get your desired cup of coffee!

White Coffee vs. White Drink(s)

White coffee is a particular kind of expresso that is made using lightly roasted coffee beans. You can have these white coffee shots as a base addition to the other Dutch coffee beverages. They are mild in taste and less acidic. 

They come with a nutty undertone, which is extremely good to taste. Therefore, if you are sensitive to the bold taste of traditional coffee, then white coffee may be the perfect kind of morning or afternoon booster for you! 

The white drinks are just a generic name for the beverages and are typically a kind of creamy/milky drink that contains white chocolate sauce or whipped cream toppings. 

If you want to customize your drink, you can ask the barista to make the required changes. With so many options out there, why should you settle for less?

5 Best Dutch Bros White Coffee Drinks That You Must Try!

Dutch Bros offers a lot of different options when it comes to their white coffee drinks. However, these are the top five white coffee drinks that you must-try:

1. Golden Eagle With Whipped Cream

Want to have a drink that is full of energy and flavors? Well, then, Golden Eagle with Whipped Cream is for you!

This drink offers the ultimate smoothness of white coffee along with a touch of sweetness: Classic, chai, Dutch freeze – you name it. Plus, they also contain espresso, breve, vanilla syrup, and caramel, and depending on your preference, you can either get it blended, iced, or hot.

Available all throughout the year!

2. White Coffee Cookie

Cookie lover? White Coffee Cookie is right here to make your dreams come true.

They come with an amazing blend of white coffee and the comforting essence of the cookies. This drink has a more nutty and earthy taste. You can have this drink as a Cocoa, Freeze, or Frost, with chocolate sauce, macadamia nut syrup, coffee, and milk/half and half.

3. White Zombie Or White Angel

Are you a morning or night person? Well, no matter the case, meet the White Zombie/White Angel that comes with a unique combination of white coffee that makes you feel at your best.

Here, the barista fills the cup with coffee that is topped with white chocolate and vanilla-flavored syrups before adding the half-and-half. 

The main difference between these drinks is the White Angel comes with coconut syrup that is served as an ice or hot beverage.

4. The Nutty Irishman

The Nutty Irishman is basically a spin on the classic Irish coffee. When choosing this drink, you are going to feel a certain kind of punch that will keep you wide awake. All the credit goes to their nitro cold brew usage!

You can enjoy this drink using a mix of coffee, Irish cream, hazelnut syrups, and milk. Plus, they are available as Cocoa, Freeze, or Frost, which can be served as both iced or hot, depending on your preference.

5. Oat Milk White Chocolate Lavender Latte

Oat Milk White Chocolate Lavender Latte is one of those refreshing and aromatic drinks that live up to the hype. You can have this drink as a cold brew or Frost. 

Plus, you can even ask for an espresso, oat milk, lavender syrup, and white chocolate sauce, all blended together beautifully in a cup.  The best part? They are available all throughout the year!


Does Dutch Bros Have White Espresso?

Yes, they do have white expresso. For instance, the White Zombie or the White Angel are made using the Dutch Bros signature white espresso. If you want to explore more options, just ask your barista about it.

Are There Any Dairy-Free Options For White Coffee?

Absolutely. In fact, to your surprise, there are plenty of dairy-free options for white coffee, such as almond milk, soy milk, oat milk, coconut milk, and so on. Therefore, if you want a dairy-free option, ask the barista to make it using your preferred option when you place your order. 

Can I Customize The Sweetness Level of Dutch Bros’ White Coffee?

Definitely, you can!
Whether you want a low-sugar white coffee or a sugar-free option, Dutch Bros has got your back!
Just ask the friendly barista at the counter, and you will be all good to go!

How Many Calories Are In A White Coffee Kicker From Dutch Bros?

Well, the White Coffee Kicker is available as a breve and cold brew, and it really depends on the size you choose. 
However, upon choosing the Breve version, you can expect to get around 280, 540, or 640 calories. In the case of the cold brew, you can get about 190, varying from size to size.

Final Words

Hopefully, you have no questions regarding what a Dutch Bros white coffee is. They are certainly one of the best options for those who don’t usually prefer the bold flavors that roasted brown beans tend to offer.

However, that doesn’t mean they are any less good. Instead, they are also super creamy and yummy – a true delight for your taste buds!

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Hello, I’m Callie, a professional coffee barista who loves coffee so much that I’ve decided to write about it in my free time. I love everything about coffee – the aroma, the flavor, and the endless varieties it comes in! But my favorite thing about coffee is how much there is to learn and know about it. Even with my years of experience, I keep finding out new details and nuances almost every day. On this website, my goal is to share everything I know about coffee and to learn more from passionate readers! I’m always on the hunt for the perfect bean, so feel free to tell me about your preferred varieties, and of course, I’ll be sharing my faves with you!


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