Does Iced Coffee Go Bad?

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Iced coffee is a caffeine delight during summer. Always a refreshing alternative to its steaming counterpart, especially in the sweltering heat. 

Iced coffee is convenient, has an invigorating taste, and is the best go-to option. But just like other culinary delights, there’s always the question: Does iced coffee go bad? 

We’re going to look at the shelf life of iced coffee while exploring different ingredients and storage methods to slow down its spoilage. 

What is Iced Coffee?

cup of coffee

Similar to hot coffee, iced coffee also starts with the main ingredient, coffee beans. Coffee beans are ground or brewed depending on the usage. 

The coffee concentrate produced from these beans is then used to create iced coffee. While typical iced coffee is made from the coffee concentrate being served over ice, some recipes add other ingredients. 

You can add milk, cream, sweetener, or any other flavor that you prefer in your drink. However, these added ingredients play a main role in determining the shelf life of the iced coffee. 

Shelf Life of Iced Coffee

Iced coffee has become a favorite beverage among people. However, you can’t store iced coffee forever and it’s bound to expire one day. Just like other perishable items, iced coffee is affected by time and temperature. 

The shelf life of iced coffee is influenced by various factors which include their ingredients, preparation methods, and storage conditions. Regular iced coffee without milk or sweetener can stay fresh in the fridge for 3 to 4 days

If your iced coffee contains dairy, then its shelf life isn’t longer than 3 days.  While it may be fine on the 4th day, it will quite likely taste different and weird. 

How Long Does Iced Coffee Last in the Fridge?

If you don’t have time to brew yourself coffee every day, then you can store small batches of coffee in the fridge. Regular, black iced coffee can be stored in the fridge for up to 7 days. 

Make sure to store it in an airtight container and without any additives. Coffee that is stored in the fridge tends to lose its potency and gets a bitter taste. 

With milk added to the iced coffee, it doesn’t last longer than 48 hours in the fridge. You can brew some coffee and store it in the fridge without any other ingredients if you want it to last longer. 

Factors That Affect the Life of Your Iced Coffee

There are multiple factors that affect the life of iced coffee, ranging from the ingredients used to the type of coffee beans used to make it. 

You can look at all these factors in detail to determine how long you should store your iced coffee. 

Coffee Quality 

The freshness of an iced coffee is dependent on the coffee beans used to brew it. 

Freshly roasted and ground coffee beans tend to have better-tasting brews and a longer shelf life when compared to others. These brews also don’t spoil too soon. 

Brewing Method

The brewing method is a game changer when it comes to iced coffee. The most popular method for making iced coffee is the cold brew method. In this technique, coffee grounds are steeped in water for a long period of time. 

Through this method, you can get a potent coffee concentrate that you can later dilute with milk or water. 

Iced coffee made using the cold brew method tends to have a longer shelf life because of low acidity and high concentration. The high concentration of coffee prevents bacterial growth. 


Any additive in the coffee increases the chance of spoilage. These additives vary from milk to cream or even flavorings. 

Dairy additives can curdle in the coffee, giving it a bad taste. This happens when iced coffee is exposed to warm temperatures and air. 

Storage Conditions 

To preserve the freshness of your iced coffee, it is essential to store it properly. Air-tight containers should be used at all times to keep iced coffee in the fridge. 

These containers ensure that there is no absorption of taste and odor of items kept in the fridge. Iced coffee should also be protected from temperature fluctuations. 

If iced coffee is not protected from changing temperatures, then condensation occurs outside the container and dilutes the coffee. It can even spoil this way. 

Signs of Spoilage 

If not stored properly, iced coffee can go bad very quickly. Moreover, it’s also a perishable item, so it has a shelf life after which it is spoiled. Here are some signs that your iced coffee has gone bad:

Foul Odor

If your iced coffee has a bad smell or unpleasant odor, it clearly indicates that it has gone bad. This odor is present when there is bacterial growth in the drink or when the dairy components have turned sour. 

Bad Taste

If your iced coffee has become spoiled, it will have an unpleasant taste. You might find your iced coffee with a bitter taste or even a rancid sour flavor once it has spoiled. 

If you find your coffee tasting different than it normally does, it’s a clear indication that it has passed its shelf life.

Mold Growth

When iced coffee is spoiled, you might even find signs of mold floating on the surface. This is the time to bid your cold brew farewell completely. Mold growth is risky for health and a clear sign of spoilage. 

Tips to Extend Shelf Life

To ensure that your iced coffee is stored for the longest time, here are some tips to extend its shelf life:

Use Quality Ingredients

To make good iced coffee, you need high-quality coffee beans. Moreover, if you’re using any additives, make sure that they’re of the best quality so they last longer. 

Using fresh and good-quality ingredients will result in a better-tasting brew with little chance of getting spoiled. 

Airtight Storage

To make sure that your coffee lasts longer, store it in airtight containers. This will prevent moisture and air from getting in the coffee and reduce the chances of spoilage. 

Storing your iced coffee in airtight containers will stop the absorption of unwanted flavors and maintain its own taste. 


Iced coffee is called iced coffee because it is chilled. You should refrigerate your iced coffee because it slows down bacterial growth while preserving the taste and quality of the drink. 

However, you should avoid temperature fluctuations because this can cause condensation inside the storage container. 

Avoid Prolonged Storage

Iced coffee is best when consumed within a few days. Even though some iced coffee brews can last for up to 2 weeks if you store it properly, it’s best if you consume it within a few days. To enjoy the best taste and quality, drink your iced coffee soon after making it. 


Does cold brew coffee expire as Starbucks bottled iced coffee?

Cold brew coffee has a longer shelf life than hot brewed coffee. Starbucks bottled iced coffee has a longer shelf life, but it does expire after some time. 
Both cold brew coffee and Starbucks bottled iced coffee deteriorate in taste and quality if stored for very long.

How long does iced coffee last outside the fridge?

Iced coffee should not be kept outside the fridge for long due to bacterial growth and spoilage. 
If the iced coffee is kept at room temperature, it will only last for up to 2 hours after which there are chances of bacterial growth. In warmer environments, this time is also reduced, and iced coffee should be consumed as soon as possible.

Can you drink iced coffee after 7 days?

If you have brewed your own iced coffee, then it is not recommended to consume it after 7 days. You should consume it within 2 to 3 days. 
However, if you use bottled iced coffee, then it can be stored for up to 2 weeks and is safe to consume after 7 days.

Can I refrigerate leftover coffee for iced coffee?

You can. First, rest the coffee at room temperature and let it cool down. Then, store the brewed coffee in an airtight jar or container to store it for your own iced coffee. However, for the best experience, make your own fresh brew of iced coffee. 


Final Words

So, does iced coffee go bad after all? Yes, as you know, iced coffee is also a perishable item that is prone to get spoiled with bacterial growth and mold. Usually, people consume their coffee within 2 days.

However, if you wish to store it for longer, you should follow the proper procedure to extend shelf life and ensure good taste. If you use bottled iced coffee, it has a longer shelf life when compared to the fresh brew.

For the best taste, use high-quality ingredients and make sure that you store your iced coffee properly.

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Hello, I’m Callie, a professional coffee barista who loves coffee so much that I’ve decided to write about it in my free time. I love everything about coffee – the aroma, the flavor, and the endless varieties it comes in! But my favorite thing about coffee is how much there is to learn and know about it. Even with my years of experience, I keep finding out new details and nuances almost every day. On this website, my goal is to share everything I know about coffee and to learn more from passionate readers! I’m always on the hunt for the perfect bean, so feel free to tell me about your preferred varieties, and of course, I’ll be sharing my faves with you!


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