Can You Drink Coffee Creamer?

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Coffee creamers are epic additives that enhance the taste and texture of your regular cup of coffee. But have you ever entertained the thought of consuming coffee creamer as a standalone drink? Can you or shouldn’t you drink coffee creamers straight? Let’s find out more!

You can drink coffee creamers, as they are generally harmless. You’ll be amazed to find out how delicious they are. Just be a tad bit careful not to consume them too much as they’re high in sugar and fats. Also, be mindful of your specific dietary concerns or allergies. 

What is a Coffee Creamer?

Coffee creamer, also known as coffee whitener or non-dairy creamer, is a substance that gives coffee more flavor and creaminess. It’s a replacement for the usual milk you use in your coffee. 

People who are lactose intolerant, have dairy allergies, or just prefer a non-dairy option for their coffee frequently use coffee creamers.

There are many different tastes and varieties of coffee creamers you can find in stores. While liquid creamers are normally marketed in bottles or cartons, you can also find powdered creamers in little packets which are useful for on-the-go use.

You can use these creamers in both hot and cold coffees. You can tailor your cup of coffee to your preference with the wide options of flavors and sweetness levels of coffee creamers available on the market.

While coffee creamers are a practical and well-liked option for many coffee drinkers, it’s important to remember that they offer almost no beneficial nutritional value.

If you’re worried about your dietary intake, you should carefully read their labels and select options that are in line with your dietary goals because some coffee creamers may be rich in sugar and unhealthy fats.

What Does a Coffee Creamer Taste Like?

Of course, the taste of a coffee creamer is what everyone enjoys. It’s really creamy and yummy! In essence, coffee creamers are designed to add creaminess and sweetness to your coffee, enhancing its overall flavor.

You might want to keep in mind that the particular ingredients used in different coffee creamer brands can also affect the flavor. While some coffee creamers contain dairy, others may be non-dairy, being based on substances like almond milk, soy milk, or coconut milk. 

Additionally, some coffee creamers use sugar as their sweetener, while others use other artificial sweeteners instead, such as stevia. Your individual flavor preferences will have a big impact on how you interpret the flavor of a coffee creamer.

To name a few flavors available in the market, you’ll find: 

  • Plain/Original
  • Vanilla 
  • Chocolate
  • Hazelnut
  • Caramel
  • Irish
  • Mocha
  • Spiced
  • Peppermint etc

You might enjoy the Plain/Original flavor or would rather go half and half with two flavors; either way you won’t regret the smooth mouthfeel and lingering taste of these creamy coffee creamers.

Safety of Consuming Coffee Creamer

The sweet and creamy flavor that coffee creamer has may be the reason why everyone enjoys it. The safety of consuming coffee creamer is based on a number of variables, including the creamer’s ingredients, your dietary preferences, and sensitivities. Below are some key points you should consider:

  • The ingredients that make up a coffee creamer have a significant impact on its safety. Vegetable oils, sugar, artificial flavors, and preservatives are typical constituents in coffee creamers.
  • It’s vital to check the label for any potential allergens if you have allergies or sensitivities to particular components, such as dairy, soy, or gluten. Some creamers are marketed as “dairy-free” and suited for those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk.
  • Some coffee creamers use artificial sweeteners, colors, and flavors. These additives are generally considered safe for consumption in moderation. You might prefer to avoid them due to personal preferences or concerns about potential health effects.
  • Sweetened coffee creamers may include a lot of added sugars, which can increase caloric intake and raise the risk of weight gain and dental issues. 
  • Trans fats, linked to an increased risk of heart disease, may be included in coffee creamers. You may spot trans-fat-containing creamers by looking for phrases like “partially hydrogenated oils” on the ingredient list.
  • Check the expiration date to make sure the coffee creamer is still okay to consume and store it in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Creamer that has expired may be unhealthy.

The drinking of plain coffee creamer is becoming somewhat of a trend these days. When we say “drink it plain,” we mean to open those tiny packets of liquid creamer and consume them on their own.

Some people, addicted to creamer, reach for the larger bottles and pour an entire cup. Well, you can’t blame them! What’s not to love about something that is sweet and creamy?

Still, while drinking coffee creamer over time can lead to increased health issues due to the above reasons, it isn’t likely to kill you. That said, you should probably limit your daily intake to three single-serve packets at most and preferably only one.

Nutritional Value of Coffee Creamer

Coffee creamers don’t actually contain cream. There is practically no dairy in them. You read that right! In most creamers, sugar or corn syrup, water, and partly hydrogenated vegetable oils are the main ingredients. The mixture of these ingredients is specifically designed to hit all the right chords.

As mentioned above, coffee creamers have little nutritional value.

They do have calories, but not the ones a health-conscious person would want to consume.

Coffee creamers contain sugar – loads of it. Typically, a coffee creamer contains around 5 grams of sugar per serving and has about 20 calories per tablespoon, which is a lot of sugar.

What’s worse is that flavored creamers may contain a relatively higher calorie count than unflavored ones because of the added flavorings and sweeteners. These creamers, if consumed in large amounts, can cause your blood sugar to spike. 

So, maybe you’d opt for the sugar-free ones? Guess what: artificial sweeteners aren’t that good either. Artificial sweetener consumption has been associated with a higher risk of cancer. Sweeteners like saccharin, aspartame, etc., are thought to be potentially dangerous for your health.

It’s a good idea to examine the nutrition label on the product packaging for more information if you have questions regarding the nutritional value of your coffee creamer. Bear in mind that moderation is key – basically, don’t overuse creamers.

How Many Calories Are In Coffee Creamer?

Depending on the brand, kind, and serving size, liquid and powdered coffee creamers might have different calorie counts. Non-dairy creamers have roughly 10-20 calories per serving (i.e., 15ml, approx. 1 tbsp of liquid creamer and 4g, approx. 1 tbsp of powdered creamer). Similarly, regular dairy-based creamers have around 20-30 calories per serving. 

Now, flavored creamers (such as hazelnut or vanilla) possibly have a few extra calories. Typically, a tablespoon of flavored creamer has around 30–40 calories.

So, serving size is very important while consuming creamers since exceeding the suggested serving will result in an increase in calorie intake.

Healthier Alternatives to Traditional Coffee Creamers

There are a number of options to think about if you’re seeking healthier substitutes for traditional coffee creamers. Coffee creamers add taste and creaminess to your coffee while lessening the bitter taste. However, commercial coffee creamers often contain a lot of sugar, unhealthy fats, and artificial ingredients. Here are a few better and healthier options for you to consider:

  1. Black Coffee: Take your coffee black if you want to switch to a healthier option. 
  1. Coconut Cream: For those coffee lovers among you who want a bit of creamy taste, coconut cream is a rich and better option. It can give your coffee a silky smoothness and is a natural source of good fats.
  1. Greek yogurt: A spoonful of plain Greek yogurt can give your coffee a creamier and somewhat tangier flavor. It is a source of probiotics and protein, both of which are good for your gut health.
  1. Natural Sweeteners: Natural sweeteners have gained popularity in recent years. Some examples are Splenda, Truvia, Stevia etc. It’s up to you; if you get accustomed to the taste of these sweeteners, these are a better option.
  1. Dairy-free Substitutes: Unsweetened soy milk, unsweetened oat milk, unsweetened coconut milk, and unsweetened almond milk are all good dairy-free substitutes for traditional creamers. They have fewer calories and are naturally cholesterol-free.
  1. Nut-Butters: A tiny bit of nut butter, such as almond or cashew, can give your coffee smoothness and a nutty flavor. 

Always remember to read the label of ingredients. Avoid products with added sugar, preservatives, and fats.

Now, some people may have questions. Some commonly asked questions are:


What is coffee creamer made of?

A coffee creamer typically contains sugar, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, emulsifiers, preservatives, and flavorings.
Those looking for dairy-free options may also be interested in non-dairy creamers created from plant-based ingredients like almond milk, coconut milk, or oat milk. 

Can You Drink Coffee Creamer That Was Left Out Overnight?

You shouldn’t. Whether it contains dairy or not, liquid creamer is a perishable product and should be refrigerated once opened. If it isn’t kept at a cool temperature, bacteria can grow quickly. If you are unsure if the creamer is consumable after being left out overnight, it’s better to just discard it.

What Happens If You Drink Expired Coffee Creamer?

As with any dairy product, drinking expired coffee creamer is only going to cause problems. Expired coffee creamer could result in you getting foodborne diseases. The best-before dates are mentioned on the products for this very reason. 

How much coffee creamer is too much?

There is no hard rule about the consumption of coffee creamers. How much is too much for you is totally subjective and varies from person to person. It’s good practice to start with a small quantity of creamer and gradually add more if necessary, while tasting along the way.

Final Words

In conclusion, can you drink coffee creamer? Absolutely. But it’s important to do so moderately and with full knowledge of its ingredients. Though intended to improve the flavor of coffee, some creamers may contain additives or high amounts of sugar and fat, which can have negative health effects. 

When deciding whether to sip it or skip it, being an informed consumer and making decisions that align with your nutritional needs and preferences is crucial.

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Hello, I’m Callie, a professional coffee barista who loves coffee so much that I’ve decided to write about it in my free time. I love everything about coffee – the aroma, the flavor, and the endless varieties it comes in! But my favorite thing about coffee is how much there is to learn and know about it. Even with my years of experience, I keep finding out new details and nuances almost every day. On this website, my goal is to share everything I know about coffee and to learn more from passionate readers! I’m always on the hunt for the perfect bean, so feel free to tell me about your preferred varieties, and of course, I’ll be sharing my faves with you!


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