How Much Caffeine is in 3 Shots of Espresso? [Everything You Need to Know]

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Is your regular espresso not working its magic today? Well, we all have those off days where our regular shots don’t work, and we still have that craving for more. 

In these cases, we can’t help ourselves and have to order or brew at least one more cup; otherwise, how are we expected to survive the rest of the day, right?

But has it ever occurred to you how much caffeine is in 3 shots of espresso? If it has, and you’re worried about too much caffeine consumption, read on, my friend!

How Much Caffeine is in 3 Shots of Espresso?

expresso in a cup

A typical single shot of espresso contains about 60 mg of caffeine. Therefore, if you do the math, three shots are equivalent to 180 mg of caffeine. However, this might vary based on the coffee beans, brewing process, water temperature, and serving size.

There is so much to explore! Continue reading to find out more.

Is 3 Shots of Espresso a Lot of Caffeine?

Well, it really depends on the person.

For instance, a triple shot of espresso will probably not hurt you if coffee is the only thing you drink every day to meet your caffeine needs. 

But why, I hear you ask?

Because a triple shot is well within your suggested regular caffeine allowance. As a healthy adult, three shots are not expected to hurt you. 

However, consuming caffeine of this amount daily may pose health risks in the long term, especially if you are a youngster or a soon-to-be mother. It is always in your best interest to keep your caffeine consumption in check, the recommended amount being 400 mg at most per day. 

In case you have other health issues, like high blood pressure or heart disease, then make sure to have a good talk with your doctor regarding your caffeine consumption. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry later on!

How Much Caffeine is in 3 Shots Of Starbucks Espresso?

Espresso is a coffee made with hot boiling water and finely ground coffee beans to give you an intense earthy flavor and, of course, a high caffeine kick.

Now, you may be wondering what is meant by high caffeine levels. More specifically, how much caffeine will you be putting in your body with three shots of Starbucks espresso?

Well, a regular cup of filter coffee contains about 12 ounces, while the Starbucks espresso has about 0.75 ounces. So, if you do the rough calculation, three shots of espresso will have around 225 milligrams of caffeine in a 2.25-ounce size of serving. 

If you compare it against a regular cup of coffee, then the standings will be as follows: The caffeine content of a normal cup of coffee ranges between 10-15 milligrams per fluid ounce along with an average of 80 milligrams in an 8-ounce size serving.

How Long Do 3 Shots of Espresso Stay in Your System?

Espresso is undoubtedly one of the most fast-acting beverages that can show rapid results and awaken all your senses within just 10-15 minutes. 

However, because an espresso shot is generally downed quickly, you will notice a faster caffeine boost as well.

The caffeine in both an espresso and a cup of coffee begins to show its magic within about 15 minutes. However, having a cup of coffee spreads the caffeine release over about half an hour or so. 

In the case of an espresso shot, the caffeine makes its way into the bloodstream all at once, giving you a super-fast caffeine rush so your body and mind work at full capacity.

But it doesn’t mean that the caffeine from the espresso shot will leave your body quicker in comparison to the caffeine from a cup of coffee.

It is expected that the caffeine will stay in your system for as long as 10 hours. However, in case you are new to drinking espresso, it is recommended that you start your drinking with just one shot.

This will help you to find out how your body reacts to the concentrated caffeine source. Simply, once the caffeine makes its way into your system, there is hardly anything you can do to completely get rid of it. 

Wondering what to do in case you take too much caffeine by mistake?

Well, in this kind of scenario, you can do some workouts and stay as hydrated as possible to reduce the symptoms of anxiety, dizziness, painful headaches, fast heartbeat, and so on.

If you’re too sensitive to caffeine, then it’s highly suggested that you don’t consume any kind of caffeine for at least six hours before going to bed. Otherwise, you increase the chances of your valuable sleep being disturbed. Remember, it’s your body, so it falls on you to take the best care of it.

Daily Caffeine Consumption

After all that, I bet you can’t help thinking about your daily caffeine consumption. Well, have a little look at the below points to clarify any burning queries you might have:

Healthy Adults

As recommended by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), on average, a healthy adult can take about 400 mg of caffeine every day without facing any sort of problem. However, this daily benchmark shouldn’t be crossed in any way, otherwise, the consequences can be quite severe.


Because this amount is almost equivalent to about 5 or maybe 6 single espressos per day. Quite shocking, right?

In the case of kilograms, the consumption of caffeine should be strictly limited to no more than 5.7 milligrams per kilogram in terms of body weight. Just as important to know, a single dosage of caffeine should never exceed 200 milligrams in any way.

Pregnant Women

In the case of all you soon-to-be mothers and breastfeeding women, it is highly suggested that one shouldn’t consume more than 200 mg of caffeine a day.


For children, it is not even wise to start drinking coffee or any kind of coffee drink until they are 14 years old. This must be strictly followed as these products tend to contain a lot of caffeine. As a result, consuming them is not recommended till one achieves the desired age.

Caffeine Sensitivity

Caffeine in high dosages is always harmful and can lead to several health problems over time. However, the dose might greatly vary from one individual to another depending on various factors.

Here is a list of common symptoms that you may face due to caffeine sensitivity or excessive caffeine consumption:

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Jitteriness
  • Anxiety
  • Severe headaches
  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia

In case you are highly sensitive to caffeine, the wise decision is to limit yourself to less than the benchmark i.e. 400 mg of caffeine consumption per day.

Health Benefits

Drinking coffee on a moderate level is always recommended and has proven to be good for the body. For example, scientists have found that individuals who don’t drink coffee at all have 11% more chance of being affected by cardiovascular diseases. 

Besides, according to another research, it is found that drinking coffee in the required quantity has also been associated with lessening the potential risk of cardiovascular diseases as well.

Plus, the overall performance of the blood vessels can be greatly improved by the chlorogenic acid present in coffee. How though, you might ask?

Well, it prevents a fatty coating from developing on the inner veins. This ultimately helps keep the blood flow running smoothly. However, that doesn’t mean in any way that you should start drinking excessive amounts of coffee. As we all know, too much of anything is not good for our bodies. 

So, the moral of the story, keep your drinking to the desired quantity!

Can I Have An Espresso Before A Workout?

Of course, you can!

In fact, having an espresso before you workout is extremely helpful in weight loss and making sure you stay alert. Having a cup around half an hour before you begin can have a significant effect on your overall physical performance. 

Espressos can be the magic adrenaline pump that results in higher speed and strength while conducting your workout. They are so effective that you can go for a couple of rounds without getting tired at all!

As we know, espresso is extremely concentrated, and the effect of the caffeine begins working at full pace within just 10 to 15 minutes after it enters your body. They are like an instant energy booster that really knows how to reboot and recharge your body to get it working at its highest level.

Based on data from the University of Luton, one espresso shot before your exercise time can boost your overall performance by up to 11%. This means the caffeine in the espresso helps you to push harder so you can get your desired result within the shortest possible time.

Talk about a turbo-booster! However, one important thing to note, anyone with a sensitive stomach must avoid having any sort of caffeine before their workout. Otherwise, instead of any good they think they’ll be doing, they’ll actually be harming their body!

How Can I Control The Amount Of Caffeine In An Espresso?

If you’re having a lot of caffeine, then sooner or later, your body is going to be affected. That’s why it’s best to control the amount of caffeine before the situation gets out of hand.

After all, it’s no joke to get into any kind of health problem. But what if I still want to enjoy a three-shot of espresso and, at the same time, don’t want to run the risk of becoming over-caffeinated? 

Well, Here are a few ways in which you can effectively lessen your caffeine intake and lower these risk levels:

Switching To Decaf

Just by switching to decaffeinated coffee beans, you will be able to remove over 80% of the caffeine in a single shot of espresso. Besides, decaf beans contain less than 15 mg of caffeine, so by making this change, you’ll be reducing your caffeine level to a great extent.

Use Dark Roasts

Dark roast beans have a much lower caffeine level in comparison to light roast beans. By switching to them, you will eventually be decreasing the overall caffeine content in your espresso.

One thing to note is that blonde roasts have the most caffeine per shot; therefore, try to avoid them as much as possible.

Using A Coarser Grind

Usually, espresso is made by forcing hot water through a finely ground coffee. Due to this, the water tends to absorb more coffee flavor and caffeine, so by using a coarser coffee grind, you will be automatically reducing the caffeine content in each shot.

Adding More Water

This may seem a bit surprising, but altering your brewing procedure and instead adding more water to your espresso is pretty helpful in lessening the caffeine content. 

It won’t remove the caffeine, but it will definitely decrease the concentration. As a result, your body will take a much longer time to process and consume the caffeine. So basically, it will dilute your espresso and kind of make it similar to French Press/drip-brewed coffee.


Does Espresso Contain More Caffeine Than Regular Coffee?

According to the Department of Agriculture nutrition data, one shot of espresso is expected to have around 63 mg of caffeine in one ounce. 
On the other hand, a regular cup of coffee, on average, contains around 12-16 mg of caffeine in every ounce. Ultimately meaning that espresso holds a higher amount of caffeine than coffee.

What is 3 Shots Of Espresso Called at Starbucks?

It is popularly known as the NEW Starbucks Tripleshot. And as the name suggests, you will not get just one, nor two, but three shots of espresso. By having these 3 shots of espresso, you will feel a much stronger boost needed to bring out your best self.

How Much Caffeine is Too Much a Day?

As we all know, up to 400 milligrams of caffeine is considered to be safe for healthy adults. In other words, it is mostly equivalent to four cups of brewed coffee, 10 cans of cola, or maybe two energy drinks. 

However, based on various kinds of beverages, the actual amount of caffeine might vary greatly. So it’s always best to check the caffeine content of the beverages before drinking them.

What Is The Best Time Of Day To Drink An Espresso Shot?

Well, it depends. 
In general, the morning and afternoon are considered to be the best times to drink an espresso shot. This is when our energy levels tend to be low, so having an espresso can help us awaken all our senses – allowing us to stay focused on whatever task is at hand. 

As for the night, it is advised to avoid drinking too many espresso shots, otherwise, it can greatly affect a good night’s sleep.

Final Words

Now that you know how much caffeine is in 3 shots of espresso make sure to keep your caffeine level in check. Although they work like a booster, you must keep it limited for the betterment of your health. 

For the average person caffeine consumption should be limited to 400 mg per day; however, this may vary from one person to another based on several factors, including a high sensitivity to caffeine. If this is the case, limit your daily caffeine intake to less than 100 mg, or an even better option is sticking to decaf espresso drinks. Happy drinking, and stay safe, all you espresso lovers out there!

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Hello, I’m Callie, a professional coffee barista who loves coffee so much that I’ve decided to write about it in my free time. I love everything about coffee – the aroma, the flavor, and the endless varieties it comes in! But my favorite thing about coffee is how much there is to learn and know about it. Even with my years of experience, I keep finding out new details and nuances almost every day. On this website, my goal is to share everything I know about coffee and to learn more from passionate readers! I’m always on the hunt for the perfect bean, so feel free to tell me about your preferred varieties, and of course, I’ll be sharing my faves with you!


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